
2023-11-25 14:55:31

The System-on-System (SOS) integration strategy aims to break down the information孤岛 and achieve a comprehensive marketing覆盖 by collecting and analyzing customer data, creating a customer service model, providing customer service, and tracking customer service interactions, as well as整合 existing systems to ensure data integration and reduce the cost of data录入. The SOS strategy involves记录老客户的应用场景及设备现状,持续进行服务跟踪,以便更好地了解老客户的生产线(装置)以及设备应用情况,进而更好地服务老客户并挖掘更多商机。



The SOS strategy also involves creating a customer service model that focuses on understanding客户需求, providing personalized customer service, and tracking customer service interactions to improve customer experience and increa

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